Mark Krebs, Fishing Coach

by Tom Ingram (very happy client)

One Fish or Learn to Fish?  For My Consulting Clients:  I want to be like Mark Krebs when I grow up.  He did not sell me fish (just take me on guide trips.) 

He taught me HOW to catch lots of big fish - a life skill!  This is our goal with our clients.

Reach Mark at 214-502-9855  Lewisville Lake, Trophy Catfish Specialty

"Mark helped me find a great place to fish - 15 minutes from my home in Carrollton. 

He has shown me how to catch hundreds of fish - big, medium and small - every time I go.  I can't remember the last time I've been skunked.

Fall, winter, spring and even in 100 degree summer heat, Mark has helped me learn how to catch fish comfortably, safely and conveniently.

He helped me build a custom exercise program into my fishing - see the pedal-powered canoe below.  I get a workout and have my hands free to fish.  Every once in a while I catch a big fish that takes me for a ride in my canoe...

The value I've gotten from the small amount of money he charges is beyond belief."

CLICK HERE to complete coaching questionnaire (Mark needs to know something about you and your guests for a good coaching / fishing experience)

CLICK HERE for coaching guidelines and costs

Excellence:  How Much Better Can You Really Be?   

July 31, 2010  Lake Lewisville, Pier 121 Marina, 6 hours, 100 Degrees, fished from dock in shade, no boat needed.

July 24, 2010, Lake Lewisville, Pier 121 Marina, 6 hours, 100 Degrees, fished from dock in shade, no boat needed.


July 18, 2010, Lake Lewisville, Pier 121 Marina, 6 hours, 100 Degrees, fished from dock in shade, no boat needed.

Big fish of the day - 12 pound Buffalo caught by Mark Krebs


Here is how good Mark Krebs is:

Fish that Mark caught on two poles:


Fish that Tom Ingram caught on six poles.  (I'm a good fisherman - and this was my spot!!!)


Mark helped me figure out safe places to fish in rivers and on big lakes like Lewisville Lake where I could

get exercise with my home-built peddle-canoe and still catch lots of fish - just minutes from my house...

This rig lets me keep my hands free for fishing while propelling the boat with my feet...




My first trip with Krebs...

(Note 45 pound flathead in lower right.)

Caught about 90 pounds of catfish in about 5 hours, November, 2002

Second trip with Krebs, June 18, 2006, Lewisville Lake:

Fish I've Caught Because of What He has Taught Me:

A special fish for Dad, July 6, 1931 - May 15, 2008




Some Additional Pictures from Mark Krebs' Fishing History




Coaching Guidelines and Costs:

  1. Dock Fishing at our dock (best option):  $50 per hour + $1 per pound for every fish you and your guests catch over 5 pounds.  Two hour minimum deposit required.  CLICK HERE to pay through Pay Pal

  2. Boat Fishing or bank fishing at your spot:  Case by case basis

  3. No-fish guarantee:  If you catch nothing, you owe only for one hour, no mater how long we fish

  4. Phone coaching:  You must fish with Mark a minimum of three times in person, so he gets to know you and your skills.  After that, you can receive phone coaching for $25 per half hour.  Ask Mark about fishing any body of water or fishing technique you want.  CLICK HERE to pay through PayPal.