"15-5-3-1" Prospect to Close Ratio Video Interviews Master Page Tom Ingram and Associates


Sales Execution Master Page

How Do You Turn a TOP PRODUCT SALES PERSON...Into Someone Who Can Rapidly Close High Value, High Margin Services Sales...???
Kirby Vacuum Cleaner Sales Club and President's Awards
Xerox Club Award, 225% of Quota, 1981...**
ex IBM Management Team (Amerisource) Club Award


Video Interviews with Our Sales Execution Experts


Doug Terrell, Retired Head of GE's 43,000 Person Sales Organization

CLICK HERE for Doug's Video Interviews On:

How to Sell to Senior Executive Decision Makers and Avoid the Commodity Trap of Lower Level Buyers

Essentials:  The Weekly Sales Pipeline / Qualify / Sales Activity Measurement / Forecast System

Bonus:  Sales People Sharing What is Working, Helping Each Other

Incentive Systems Work:  How We Increased Sales from $640 Million to $1.1 Billion in One Year, to $1.4 Billion the Next

Doug's Best Sales Person Development Tools and Techniques 

David Watson, former General Manager, Services, Service Centers, GE Energy Aero Derivatives Turbines

CLICK HERE for David's Video Interviews On:

Beating Competitors that are "Cherry Picking the Spare Parts Business" 

How We Shortened Sales Cycles 

Jeff Miller, former CEO of Documentum

CLICK HERE for Jeff's Video Interviews On:

Shortening Sales Cycles

How to Be a Partner instead of a Commodity

 How to Produce 32 Fold Paybacks for Clients

Mary Twain, former VP of Sales for Documentum

CLICK HERE for Mary's Video Interviews On:

How We Closed GlaxoSmithKline, Schering Plough,  Johnson & Johnson, Pfizer and 30 other Pharmaceutical Companies in 18 Months 

On Shortening Sales Cycles

How to Sell to Senior Executive Decision Makers - Not Lower Level People

Bill Best, 31 Years with Heidelberg, retired in 2009 as Senior Vice President responsible for $180 million+ in Services Sales ($600 million+  total product and service revenue in the U.S.)

CLICK HERE for Bill's Video Interviews On:

How Heidelberg Grew U.S. Services Sales to $180 Million+ Over My 31 Years

Scott Lear, Schneider Electric, Area Manager, Director, Bus Dev, Automation, Control

CLICK HERE for Scott's Video Interviews On:

How We Switched to Value Based Pricing (Away from Traditional Parts / Service / Commodity Pricing)

How to Move the Customer Away from Insane Focus on Cost

How to Get Product Sales People to Sell Services

How to Win Two Out of Three Competitive Bids

How We Capitalized on Competitor's Tendency to Always Propose New Equipment - Beat Them With a Service

Scott Ransom, former head of $1 Billion Consumer Goods Outsourcing Practice

CLICK HERE for Scott's Video Interviews On:

How to Win Outsourcing Sales with Short Term Gains

Winning by Having an Industry Expert on Your Team

Winning with Strong Before and After Performance Improvement Measures

How to Be a Partner - Not a Commodity - Through Industry Expertise

Winning - But Not on Price


Success stories, client quotes and payback estimates are provided as general illustrations of past performance and represent summaries of long term, complex efforts.  They are often used to teach concepts and lessons learned, and may have been simplified considerably.  Estimates of financial impact are estimates only, and not intended to convey exact financial information.  Some have been altered to protect confidential information.  We ask that prospective clients contact our references and request specific details of relevant success stories prior to any decision to use our services.

** Club earned but not awarded (hired by another firm before award)

TOM INGRAM AND ASSOCIATES, INC. Home Page  972-394-5736  tom@tomingraminc.com