Skinny CRM Success Story...

(1.3)  "Skinny CRM":  $6.5 Million Sold in 30 Sales over 2 1/2 Years,

Penetrated New Marquee Account:  $5.5 Million Sale to Procter & Gamble in 60 Days*

Click for Full Case Study


(3.1a) Nation-Wide Sales Process Improvement:  Freed Up 63,000 Support Hours per year, Removed 250,000 Possible Customer Service Mistakes and Saved $7.5 Million over Three Years*

CLICK for Full Case Study

*Contact Us in Dallas, Texas, USA at or 972-394-5721.

**Success stories, client quotes, estimated costs and benefits are derived from actual projects but may have been altered for simplicity, teaching purposes or to protect confidential information.