Tom Ingram and Associates, Inc. Home

Increase Margins


Shorten Sales Cycles


Software Companies


Tom Ingram, PMP. CMC(e)

Salesforce Certified

Dallas, Texas, USA



$200 million+ in Sales Gains,


$75 million+ in Margin Improvement for Clients*


Book Published 1998 by the 

Project Management Institute


Text, letter

Description automatically generated

Peer Reviewed Study Published 1994 by the 

Project Management Institute


Graphical user interface, text, application

Description automatically generated 

Short Book Published 2004 by

Tom Ingram and Associates, Inc.


2021 Research Update:  Software Company Strategy and Financial Performance 


1st Thursday Zoom Call 

“Conversations With The Winners”

(Noon to 1 PM Central, Invitation Only, No Charge)  

August 1, 2024 Noon:   Cerner  

September 5, 2024 Noon:   Black Knight

October 3, 2024 Noon:  Tyler Technologies

November 7, 2024 Noon:  Intuit

December 5, 2024 Noon:  MacAfee 

January 2, 2025 Noon:  Manhattan

February 6, 2025 Noon  Fiserv

March 6, 2025 Noon  ACI

April 3, 2025 Noon  Ansys

May 1, 2025 Noon  Alliance Data

June 5, 2025 Noon  National Instruments

July 3, 2025 Noon  VMware

August 7, 2025 Noon  Nice

September 4, 2025 Noon  Descartes




Research Published 2023 by 

Tom Ingram and Associates, Inc.



Summary of Findings, 475 Public and Private Software Companies:  


RMA, Three Winners, Three Notable Losers



The Archives:  


Big Lessons from “Conversations With the Winners”:

(password required)


  1. Jack Henry:  500% Return On Invested Capital 1995 to 2005,  300% ROIC 2012 to 2021.  Profitable for 46 Years In a Row, Almost No Price Competition, Durable Barriers To Competition, Big Acquisition Growth Done Right….
  2. Documentum:  Shortened Sales Cycles from 18 Months to 6 Months.   After 3 Years Of Revenues Less Than $2 Million, Sales Soar To $75 Million In 4 Years!  30+ New Accounts In First Year.  Customer Payback Average Of 10 To 1, As High As 30 To 1
  3. Fiserv:   100% Return On Invested Capital In Six Years, 15% Net Profit Avg For Nine Years, 47% Gross Profit Avg, 9 To 1 Services To Software Sold, Spectacular Market Value On Moderate Invested Capital, Solved Inherent Problems With Internal IT For Narrow Customer Set.
  4. Docucorp:  Struggled For Five Years Then Got Focused, Narrowed The Universe Of Prospects From 1 Million To Less Than 500.  Grew From $15 Million To $75 Million In Sales, Almost Never Compete On Price, Significant Referrals From Happy Customers, Recurring Revenue, Avg 11% Profits.



Our Service:  The Jumpstart 



Details:  The Whole Product Bowling Alley


Sales Execution


Strategy & Leadership


Process Improvement


Technical and Product Development Successes

Trusted by:


Shorten Sales Cycles

Organic Sales Gains

Sole Source Wins

Value Pricing

Grow Service Sales

Sales Leader Success Stories

New General Manager And Team Produce $200 Million+ Profitable New Sales Over 10 Years, Closed $5.5 Million Sale to P&G in 60 Days

New President Generates $100 Million+ Profitable New Sales Over 8 Years

New President Doubles Software Sales to Approx. $4 Million

Increase Margins

Big Trouble, Turnarounds

Grow High Margin Customers


Before and After Process Flows

Complex Pricing, Quoting, Estimating

Increase Sales with Better Customer Service



Agile Success Stories

Rapid Results Success Stories

Grow Sales, Margins with Better Product Development


---------------------------         General Links         ----------------------------

Client Success Stories Master

Client Quotes on Our Results

About Us



"How To", Articles, Books, Case Studies

Our Methods, Values

Ingram 18 Sales Technology Outcomes

Tom's 7 Big Questions  for Complex  Sales Organizations

Horror Story Database

Help A Buddy, Stay Connected, Application Software

Help A Buddy, Stay Connected, Find Good Work Over 50

Tom and The White Shirts Dance Band

Bible Rock


Master Revenue Side Results Summary

Associates Page

Top 20, Second 30

How The Winners Do It

Shorten Sales Cycles Winners Results Summary

TIA Secure Site

Big 5 for Integration / Execution Projects

12 Dysfunctions of the Software Business


Video Interviews with the Sales Experts


-------------          Archive Links, Pages in Transition          ------------

Sales Leadership Execution Strategy

Sales Tech Margin Cost Improvement


Revenue Side Results Archive July 24, 2023


Project Payback Detail

Adoption Success Stories


Skinny CRM Successes, Flow Chart

Tom Ingram Personal Practice Building, Sales Wins


One Fish or Learn to Fish?


Schedule Zoom Call or Face to Face with Tom





*Contact Us in Dallas, Texas, USA at or 972-394-5721.

*Success stories, client quotes, estimated costs and benefits, names, faces, etc. are derived from actual projects

but may have been altered for simplicity, teaching purposes or to protect confidential information.

Names are disguised to maintain privacy.

(e) CMC, (Certified Management Consultant) is awarded by the Institute of Management Consultants.  Tom's renewal of this credential is pending.

Site changed to Word 02/01/2021